高耸入云的 英语,高耸入云的英语

tamoadmin 成语分类 2024-06-28 0
  1. 求英语语境翻译:上升为、升级到、晋升
  2. 埃菲尔铁塔20字英语介绍 需要翻译
  3. 富士山英文简介
  4. 求一篇关于旅行的英语作文
  5. 求一篇有关埃菲尔铁塔的英语作文
  6. 使命召唤12中最后男主说的冰冷的森林那段完整版文字的英语原文。
  7. 自考“英语(一)”笔记(12)
  8. 英文作文,写超自然现象 写超自然现象的英语文章,60字左右.

富士山是日本第一高峰,是日本民族的象征,被日本人民誉为“圣岳”.Mount Fuji is Japan's tallest peak is a symbol of the Japanese nation,the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain." 富士山位于本州中南部,东距东京约80千米,面积90.76平方千米,海拔3776米,山峰高耸入云,山巅白雪皑皑.Mount Fuji is located in south central Honshu,about 80 km west of Tokyo,with an area of 90.76 square kilometers.3,776 meters above sea level,towering peaks,snow snow mountains.山体呈圆锥状,似一把悬倒挂的扇子,日本诗人曾用“玉扇倒悬东海天” 、“富士白雪映朝阳”等诗句赞美它.Hill and roughly conical shape,the fan like a vacant s***ings,the Japanese poet has used the "overhang East Yushan days." "Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it.在富士山周围100千米以内,人们可看到富士山美丽的锥形轮廓.Around 100 km in less than Fuji,people can see Mt beautiful conical outline.自海拔2300米至山顶一带,均为火山熔岩、火山砂所覆盖.Since the altitude of 2,300 meters to the Peak area,are volcanic l***a,volcanic sand covered.因此在这一地区,既无丛林又无泉水,登山道也不明显,在沙砾中仅有弯弯曲曲的小道.Therefore,in this area,neither bush nor springs Mountaineering Road is not obvious that only a winding gr***el trail.在海拔2000米以下至山脚一带,有广阔的湖泊、瀑布、丛林,风景极为秀丽.At an altitude of 2,000 meters to the foot area,a large lake,waterfalls,jungle,very beautiful scenery.


The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world.


高耸入云的 英语,高耸入云的英语

As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to h***e a trip.


The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门)

was finished in 1836. It’s a world famous building, too.

The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889.

320米高的埃费尔铁塔是巴黎的标志。它建于1889年.s zg a

埃菲尔铁塔20字英语介绍 需要翻译

1. With the development of information society, the competition among companies rose to that of information on related departments in the enterprises。

2. This is the way a common negotiation was upgraded to a state-to-state trade dispute





Freight trains tr***el slowly on upgrades into the hills.火车徐徐向山上驶去。


提升, 使升级

They upgraded the land by improving it with new buildings.他们建造新楼房来提高土地的等级。

You upgrade over an earlier version of window95. 你正在对windows95的早期版本升级。

Effort to upgrade the schools must come from the community 改进学校的努力必须来自该社区

Moreover, foreign personnel will help upgrade their local counterparts. 另外,国外人才可以帮助提升本土的相同人才。




升高, 上升; 上涨, 增高

The ground rises steadily.地势步步加高。

站起来; 起床

She rose to greet her guests.她起身迎接客人

起义; 反抗

At last the people rose up in arms and defeated the cruel rulers.人民终于武装起义推翻了残暴的统治者。


上升, 升起

增加, 增长

The increase of wages is proportional to the rise in prices.工资的增长与物价的上涨是成比例的。

兴起; 发展

The rise of computer technology has transformed industry.计算机技术的兴起已经使工业为之改观。

斜坡, 高岗



vt. & vi.

增加, 增大, 增多

Her family increased.她家的人口增加了。




增加, 增大, 增多

Increase in population made emigration necessary.人口的增加使向外移民成为必要。



vt. & vi.

跳, 跃

The red horse is jumping well.这匹红马在这几跳中都跳得不错。





跳, 跃

The jump was a very difficult one.这种跳是非常困难的一种。

猛长, 激增

There has been a jump in the price of food.食品价格暴涨。




高飞, 翱翔

A bird is soaring into the sky.一只鸟正飞向云端。


The temperature soared to 86℃.温度猛增到摄氏86度。

高耸, 屹立

The lamp tower soars above the horizon.



The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world.


As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to h***e a trip.


The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门)

was finished in 1836. It’s a world famous building, too.

The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889.




富士山是日本第一高峰,是日本民族的象征,被日本人民誉为“圣岳”。Mount Fuji is Japan's tallest peak is a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain." 富士山位于本州中南部,东距东京约80千米,面积90.76平方千米,海拔3776米,山峰高耸入云,山巅白雪皑皑。Mount Fuji is located in south central Honshu, about 80 km west of Tokyo, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. 3,776 meters above sea level, towering peaks, snow snow mountains. 山体呈圆锥状,似一把悬空倒挂的扇子,日本诗人曾用“玉扇倒悬东海天” 、“富士白雪映朝阳”等诗句赞美它。Hill and roughly conical shape, the fan like a vacant s***ings, the Japanese poet has used the "overhang East Yushan days." "Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it. 在富士山周围100千米以内,人们可看到富士山美丽的锥形轮廓。Around 100 km in less than Fuji, people can see Mt beautiful conical outline. 自海拔2300米至山顶一带,均为火山熔岩、火山砂所覆盖。Since the altitude of 2,300 meters to the Peak area, are volcanic l***a, volcanic sand covered. 因此在这一地区,既无丛林又无泉水,登山道也不明显,在沙砾中仅有弯弯曲曲的小道。Therefore, in this area, neither bush nor springs Mountaineering Road is not obvious that only a winding gr***el trail. 在海拔2000米以下至山脚一带,有广阔的湖泊、瀑布、丛林,风景极为秀丽。At an altitude of 2,000 meters to the foot area, a large lake, waterfalls, jungle, very beautiful scenery.

自公元781年有文字记载以来,富士山共喷发过18次,最后一次是1707年,此后变成休眠火山。H***e been documented since the year 1781, Fuji has erupted over 18 times, the last time was in 1707. Since then become dormant volcanoes. 由于火山口的喷发,山麓处形成无数山洞,千姿百态,十分迷人。Due to the mouth of the volcano's eruption, the mountain formed and numerous c***es, wonderful, very charming. 有的山洞现仍有喷气现象,有的则冷若冰霜。Some of the c***es are still jet, the other Cold-Hearted. 最美的富岳风穴内的洞壁上结满钟乳石似的冰柱,终年不化,通称“万年雪”,被视为罕见的奇观,山顶上有大小两个火山口。Wind C***e Tomioka beautiful full unity on the wall like icicle stalactites to be found, all year round, is called the "perennial snow." be regarded as a rare spectacle, the size of a volcanic peak. 大火山口,直径约800米、深200米。Fire Yamaguchi, a diameter of about 800 meters, 200 meters deep. 天气晴朗时,从山顶可看到日出、云海、影富士等大自然风光。The weather was fine, we can see the sunrise from the top, clouds, Fujitsu and other natural scenery impact. 坐落在顶峰上的圣庙-久须志神社、浅间神社也是游客常到之地。Located on the top of the Temple-long sushi shrine, the shrine is Asama regular visitors to these areas.

富士山地区,春节樱花盛开,夏季山风习习,秋季红叶满山,冬季白雪皑皑。Mount Fuji, cherry blooming in the Spring Festival, the summer mountain breeze blowing, Hongye filled autumn, winter snow snow. 山周围各种植物多达2000余种,为一天然植物园。Up to more than 2,000 different species of plants around the hill, a natural botanical garden. 每年7、8月间,日本人竞相到此处登山。JULY AND AUGUST year, Japanese climbers here to compete.

富士山北麓有富士五湖,从东而西为山中湖、河口湖、西湖、精进湖和木栖湖,以山中湖最大,面积6.75平方千米,湖东南的忍野村,有通道、镜池等八个池塘,总称“忍野八海”,与山中湖相通。Mt Fuji a northern foothills lakes, the mountains from east to west to Lake Kawaguchi, the West Lake, Lake sophistication and wood-inhabiting Lake the largest lake in the mountains, with an area of 6.75 square kilometers, southeast of Lake patient Nomura, access mirror pools eight ponds. Said "in Japan eight sea," Yamanaka-ko and the same. 西湖岸边有红叶台、青木原树海、鸣泽冰穴、足和天山等风景区。West Lake shore Hongye Taiwan Strait Aoki original tree, Nakisawa ice c***es adequate and Tianshan and other scenic areas. 河口湖在五湖中交通最为方便,湖中有岛,是五湖中唯一有岛之湖,湖中反映的富士山倒影,被成为是富士山奇景之一。Kawaguchi most convenient transport in lakes, the lake is the island, the island is only five lake lake, the lake reflects the reflection of Mt. was considered as Mt wonders of the world.



On Wednesday, we went to the Zhenjiang Nanshan play, where tall handsome Yi Keke trees, towering, crown in the sun flashing Jasper like luster, the Nanshan are trees covered with a vibrant. Today, we are going to climb a mountain..


Standing at the foot of the mountain, you can feel the power of the Nanshan and tall. "Wow! You h***e to start climbing.!" The boys with a sound of cheering. We got on this hard and h***y mountain climbing trip.. At the beginning, I fell behind the ranks of the group, looked up, thinking: is not high Nanshan ah. So they chatted with the students from the day. Slowly, I feel a bit difficult, my hands on his knees, head a bean big sweat permeated by. I looked up and looked at the mountains, where one class connected a line, like the rivers flow to the front to, I can not help but complained: "how the mountain so high, climbing then also to the top of the mountain." Through a step, I slipped and almost fell, a look to the right, deep ditch 45 meters is under us, I immediately quickly left here, thinking: if from here fall, undead remnants also ah. Later, we finally climbed to the top of the mountain, just know here, Nanshan is how lofty ah. I do not know who shouted: Wow, bamboo! This shoot is good.!" I abide prestige goes, Yi Keke green bamboo through toughness, following a ***all bamboo stand at the edge of the bamboo like snuggling in his mother's arms, bamboo green and brown shoots formed contrast. I h***e never seen any big bamboo shoot, can't help but walk forward, reaching out to touch, bamboo shoot above the hairy, feel like a layer of soap, so that it is ***ooth. I know now that the hard work of climbing mountains is worth it.. Can see a shoot from the ground through, can see le***es swaying in the breeze, the mountain is tired and bitter. To see this beauty, just climb tired only comfortable sweep away.


After climbing the mountain, I understand that the rainbow always in the wind and rain, only after the storm to see the sun, and insisted that after the success.



The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world.


As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to h***e a trip.


The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门)

was finished in 1836. It’s a world famous building, too.

The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889.

320米高的埃费尔铁塔是巴黎的标志。它建于1889年.s zg a


listen only to the sound of my voice


let you mind relax


let your thoughts drift


let the bad memories fade


let peace be upon you


surrender yourself to your dream


let them wash over you like the gentle w***es of the bluest ocean


let them envelop you


comfort you


imagine some where peace


imagine some where safe


imagine your self


in a frozen forest


you are standing in a clearing


the trees around you so tall they touch the sky


pure white snowflakes fall all around


you can feel they melt on your skin


you are not cold


it cannot overcome the warmth of your beating heart

can you hear it


can you hear it?


you only h***e to listen ……


do you hear it slowing


you are slowing it


you are in control




at peace



英文作文,写超自然现象 写超自然现象的英语文章,60字左右.

11. One of the longest mountain ranges of the world rises from the floor of the Atlantic.

 本句中的 longest与课文前几段中出现的narrowest,saltiest,deepest一样,都是形容词的级形式。因为这几个词是单音节词或是以元音结尾的双音节词,所以,级的构成是在词尾加-est.对于大部分两个音节以上的形容词,级的构成是在形容词前面加most.请看例句:

 1) He wants to make everybody believe that he is the h***iest person in the world.


 2) This is the strongest horse I h***e ever seen.(这是我所见过的壮的马。)

 3) The boss wanted to find the most careful employees.(老板想找最细心的雇工。)

 4) 黄山是我所知道的最美的山之一。

 (Yellow Mountain is one of the most beautiful mountains I h***e ever known.)

 5) 这条高速公路是中国最长的。(This express way is one of the longest in China. )

 6) 这本书是三本书中最有意思的。(This book is the most interesting of the three.)

 rise 是一个不及物动词,在句子中的意思是“升起;隆起”。例如:

 1) The sun rises in the east.(太阳在东方升起。)

 2) Give the child some medicine, his temperature is rising.  (给孩子服药,他的体温在升高。)

 3) The mountain peak rises above the clouds.(山峰高耸入云。)


 1) rise 不及物动词 (起立;上升,高耸;浮现)

 The old lady rose to her feet when she heard the doorbell.

 The tower rises to a height of 70 feet.

 An idea rises in my mind.

 2) raise 及物动词 (举起;养育;提高;召集)

 If you h***e any questions, please raise your hands.

 When Father was in the army, Mother had a hard time raising three children.

 The management promised to raise the workers''salary after the negotiation.

 He failed to raise the money for his father''s heart operation.

 3) arise 不及物动词 (升起;出现;由…引起)

 He***y ***oke arose beyond the mountain.

 New problems arise when old ones are solved.

 His illness arose from malnutrition.

 4) arouse 及物动词 (唤醒;激起,引起)

 The noise outside aroused him from sleep.

 The music aroused a feeling of homesickness in him.


 1) He lives on the seventh floor.(他住在7楼。)

 2) The wood floor gives a feeling of warmth in the winter. (冬天时,木地板给我温暖的感觉。)

 3) He was given the floor at the meeting.(他在会上得到了发言权。)

 4)He decided to floor the kitchen with plastic tiles.(他决定用塑料砖铺厨房地面。)

 12. The tops of a few of the mountains reach up above the sea and make island

 top 在句中做名词用,意思是“顶部,山顶”。例如:

 1) He was the first to climb to the top of the hill.(他第一个爬上山顶。)

 2) When we stand on the top of the mountain, the whole city is in sight.(我们站在山顶时,整个城市尽收眼底)


 1) He shouted at the top of his voice.(他放声高叫。)-n.

 2) He is running at the top of his speed.(他正以最快的速度奔跑。)-n.

 3) He is the top student in the class.(他是班上的尖子学生。)-adj.

 4) This is the top news of the week.(这是本周的头条新闻。)-adj.

 5) His father is a top diplomatic advisor.(他父亲是高级外交顾问。)-adj.

 6) Mother is going to top the cake with cream.(妈妈准备在蛋糕上浇奶油。)-v.

 7) He tops his father by half a head.(他比父亲高出半个头。)-v.

 8) She needs a new skirt to match her top.(她需要一条新裙子配她的上衣。)-n.


 come out top(名列前茅) come out on top(出人头地) from top to bottom(从上到下,彻底地) from top to toe(从头到脚;完全) on top of the world(非常幸福;心满意足)

 13. Several hundred miles eastward from Florida there is a part of the ocean called the Sargasso Sea.

 called the Sargasso Sea 是修饰ocean的定语从句,在其前省去了which is.


 1) Opportunities are often thing (that) you h***e not noticed the first time around.


 2) There is much (that) the little boy can do.(有许多是那小男孩能做。)

 3)He is the right person (that) I want to discuss the problem with.(他正是我想与其讨论这个问题的人。)

 14. In the days of sailing vessels the crew were afraid they would be becalmed here. Sometimes they were.


 1) In his boyhood days, he often went swimming and fishing with his friends.


 2) In the days of Queen Victoria, the British colony expanded rapidly.


 3) He has experienced a lot of hardships in his days.(他一生中吃了许多苦。)

 crew是一个***名词,指“全体船员”,后面的谓语动词可以用单数也可以用复数,此句中谓语动词用的是复数were,因为从句子中可以推断出是许多vessels(船)上的船员。Sometimes they were.句子中省略becalmed.

 15. The Atlantic furnishes much food for the people on its shores.

 furnish sth. to ***. 意思是“为…提供”,我们同样可以用furnish ***. with sth.来表达这个意思。例如:

 They furnished blankets and food to the refugees.(他们为难民供应毯子和食物。)

 No one expected that he would furnish the information to the opponent.(谁也没有料到他会把消息提供给对手。)

 Luckily, they h***e furnished us with a car and all the necessary maps.


 16. One of its famous fishing regions, the Grand Banks, is near Newfoundland.

 the Grand Banks在句子中做同位语。请看下面的例句:

 1) This theory was advanced by Einstein, a famous scientist.  (这个理论是由科学家爱因斯坦提出的。)

 2) This is Mr. Benjamin, dean of our department.(这是我们系主任本杰明先生。)

 3) Qinghai Lake, the largest inland body of salt water in China, lies 3,198 metres above sea-level.




 1. separate from      2. keep ***. from doing sth.

 3. be unwilling to do sth.4. between A and B

 5. make sth unusual     6. so…that

 7. dry up         8. on the ***erage

 9. rise from        10. furnish sth for ***.

 11. pile up        12. from…to




Taibai Mountain is a famous peak of the Qinling Mountains,the eastern part of mainland China's first peak,3767 meters above sea level.Taibai Mountain has beautiful scenery and charming scenery."Taibai snow days in June" is a well-known one of the Guanzhong Eight.

Qinling Mountains of China's North and South are the natural barriers as well as the Yangtze,the Yellow River water in the two major ridge.Taibai Mountain as the main peak of Qinling Mountain,which is even more unique natural and geographical conditions,its majestic towering momentum,the rapidly changing climate,since ancient times give people put a layer of mystery,more Chinese and foreign scientists Bachelor of desire and the literati